Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A New Lease

I received a reality check the other day.  Hot on the heels of feeling sorry for myself, complaining that I wasn't sure that anyone was still reading my blog anymore, in the middle of my whiny rant (which I then felt kind of guilty about so I quickly changed the subject to talk about something else completely unrelated), I learned that my blog does have value, that whatever I decide to write about, however mundane, self-indulgent, educational or, even, wordless, there are people listening, reading, getting something out of it. 

I'm sure somewhere I've known this all along, but there are times when we all doubt ourselves and our abilities.  Times when we feel like we need to re-evaluate, perhaps make changes, perhaps stay the course.  Times when we acknowledge that we are human, and have flaws.  Times when we just don't know what to say but open our mouths to talk anyway, if only just to hear our own voices.  Times when we don't have to say anything at all.

All of those times are okay.  We all know them, all go through them.  And the blogosphere is not immune.  Sure, our fingers do the talking, often digging deeper into our hearts and minds than our everyday, conscious, IRL selves would do, and sometimes that's what makes us more vulnerable to those doubts and re-evaluations

But the reality check I received was in the form of the comments left on that post, and one in particular. 

The one from a woman who has a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome for her unborn child.

I know she's reading this, and I must apologize for singling her out, but she really made a big impact on me and gave me the kick-in-the-pants I needed to just keep on doing what I'm doing.  I now know that what I write, the stories I tell, even the ones that I don't think (or realize) are very interesting or thought-provoking, can make an impact on someone.  While I did not have a prenatal diagnosis with Samantha, I remember how important it was to me to have found the blogs about other children with Down syndrome after she was born.  It was that little peek into their lives that assured me that things would be okay, that I was not alone, that I could do this.  That our lives would be amazing, and full

I've got a new lease on blogging, and promise to carry on as before.  I enjoy it.  And I feel good knowing that others enjoy it, too.

Thanks for listening.  :-) 



Anna said...

Such a timely post Becca. Yesterday on the Yahoo group I belong to for mamas with children that are blind I got a huge round of accolades. It still makes my eyes mist to think of it. Come to find out many have read my much neglected blog and recommended it to a new mama that recently joined the group. Recently I have thought time and time again of trying to erase as much of our imprint on the Internet as possible, But this moment gave me a huge pause, once again I am reminded that our "story" does matter. I can let the things I've learned along the way be used to show empathy and offer advice for some weary traveler walking the same path.

Leah said...

What a great reminder! Sometimes it's easy to forget so many things. But when your blog reaches someone in this way it certainly gives a fresh dose of perspective. Glad you are keeping it up.

CJ said...

I have so enjoyed watching Sammi grow and change... just as I have enjoyed watching you grow and change. Never underestimate the power of your voice!

lovemy3 said...

Reading about Sammi helped me when Hailey was a baby. I "needed" to see beyond the baby stage. I can honestly say that I couldn't have gotten through those first year without your blog about Sammi and others older than Hailey. Thank you!

Emily said...

I know others appreciate what you do as much as I do!! Many of my initial fears and concerns have been erased just by seeing that day to day life won't be quite as different as I thought. I have much respect and admiration for people that do things like this to help people who are on the same journey as themselves. For someone like myself who has no experience with Down syndrome, reading about how older children and families are doing has been instrumental in the process of me moving through several emotions and making it to excitement and anticipation. :)

JC said...

I have loved watching Sammi grow over the years. Loving reading your thoughts on things...Love everything about the blogging. Keep on writing!