Monday, August 15, 2011

Down Syndrome Squirrel

You've Got The Wrong Blog!!!

On Saturday I got 28 hits on my blog from people all over the world googling "Down syndrome squirrel."  Weird, huh?  Granted, they found my post from last autumn about the squirrel that chewed the stuffing out of my patio chairs to line his nest...  Whatever this search is for, it's obviously a viral internet sensation.  And while I was too chicken to actually google it myself and see what kind of offensive item this was (sometimes ignorance is bliss, right?), I was told that a) squirrels can, indeed have Down syndrome (huh?) and b) there was a video on the net about someone who had a pet squirrel they loved that had Down syndrome or something.  I don't know.  Any of you other bloggers get these hits this weekend?  Any of you hear about this story/video/whatever?

Still too chicken to check it out myself, so I'm relying on you news hounds out there to break it to me gently...


Kathy said...

Did google it, not sure why its a craze currently, but I did find a story on fb and a video on you tube about squirrels who apparently are born with something similar to Ds. The two items that I looked at were not abusive or ugly.

Lori said...

I read about your squirrels eating your patio furniture - my parents had the same problem and then the squirrels turned to eating their brand new trucks' running board. My dad was told from someone that the squirrels are eating it because the plastic is now being made out of corn products. Hope that helps to understand why they are doing it.

Jen said...

After seeing your FB post I did google it bc I was curious. It does appear to be a genetic anomaly that can occur in squirrels and what I found were a few links to blogs of pet squirrel owners-one of whom was raising a squirrel who supposedly has Down syndrome. A little disconcerting, but not seemingly malevolent. :)

Meriah said...

I, too have feathers and cluck so I'll be staying tuned...

Anna said...

I dont know if I like the fact that they are correlating DS in squirrels and humans....I knw it is what it is but I would need scientific proof etc.
I might be ignorant but I was wondering how you knew how/why they were hitting your blog for this reason. I have lately been taking a peek at my tracker to see who is coming, who likes what. But unsure how people find us. Its all interesting to me to say the least.

Becca said...

To answer Anna's question, they're landing on this post:

My blog mentions Down syndrome frequently, so the search turns that up, but that particular post was about a squirrel, so it brought them there.

Melissa said...

Strange, but at least it's not something ugly. I was too scared to google it too.