Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Walk to School

Oh, lordy, sometimes Blogger (and my temperamental laptop that seems to want to write and edit my posts on its own) just. drive. me. craaaaazy.  Twice today.  Twice, I've clicked "enter" to start a new paragraph, and the post published frustratingly prematurely.  Like, this post wasn't supposed to go up until Thursday morning, but made a little bare-bones sneak preview at 9:50pm on Wednesday night.  And hitting Publish sets off a chain of events that are impossible to revert.  But that being said, I guess it's better to accidentally publish a post than to accidently delete it...which also may or may not have happened recently... 

But for all of those pesky little setbacks to my day (or night), despite the hectic starts to the days that may or may not involve a defiant, stubborn, cranky little girl sitting on the floor in her room at 6:30am, with a death grip on her book as I try to convince her she needs to get her clothes on and get her backside downstairs for breakfast, NOW! so-we-won't-be-late, there is always the exhilaration that I get the absolute privilege of feeling every morning when walking Samantha to school.  It truly is the highlight of my day.  Once the clothes are on, once the backside is firmly seated in her chair, once the food is eaten hair is done teeth are brushed face is washed toilet used shoes, coat and backpack put on, once we set foot outside the door...the tables turn, and the fresh, cool air colors her nose and cheeks, and the brilliant sunshine lights up her face.

After a quick game of Duck-Duck-Goose to get her moving and giggling, she slips her cool little fingers into my pocket, enveloped by my own hand.

The banter begins, conversation easy between the two of us, and we walk and talk about her day and who she's going to see, what she's going to do.  This is always a good time to reinforce our expectations of her for the day.  (Remember, Samantha, listen to your teachers...)  Expectations are so important, buy-in is crucial... 

She knows.


I feel like the luckiest mommy in the world to get to talk to her teachers, to watch her take off her backpack and coat, turn her folder in, get her morning work and settle into her day.  That little glimpse, that sneak peek into her other life, that life without Mommy and Daddy, tastes so sweet.

ESY (summer school) meeting tomorrow morning - not quite sure what we want yet, what kind of model to pursue, but we know everyone has Sammi's best interests in mind, and we'll come up with something...wish us luck!


Education: Exploring Online Learning said...

I LOVE Sammi school posts.

CJ said...

She is growing up so fast!

lovemy3 said...

The pictures are absolutely precious!

JC said...

Love the pictures of you walking and holding her hand...These are the pictures you will love to look back on one day...So beautiful :)

Anna said...

(and I wont rant here) will take a deep breath and savor sweet photos.

Heather said...

Your Sammi is SOARING in school. She is doing everything and then some,of what I thought I would hear about. That I thought I would see. Hello?? 2nd grade PE class. Wow.

The photos are once again breathtaking. And I need to say this, because I know I can say this to you and that you understand and it does not diminish my love for my almost 5 year old beauty and it does not mean that you should ever and I mean ever think twice about what you talk about and what you say, cuz I have said this before ... I adore your child. Adore. But you know my heart does this little flip-flop when I see Sammi in all her glory, doing all her glorious things. Just a ever so slight flip flop.

Glad she loved the book. We love her. And you, your not so bad yourself.

Rochelle said...

What a fabulous way to start the day! Good luck on your esy meeting tomorrow.

Michelle said...

I love her hat! and she looks so excited to be going off to school.

Rob Monroe said...

So sweet, and I'm totally jealous! When Abby starts we will be just about a mile from school, which is just a bit too far to commit to on a daily basis. We will drive, but I will be parking and walking her in every day.

Love the pics, as always!

CJ said...

I already commented on this post, but I forgot to tell you, you've been nominated!

Meriah said...

I've been meaning to tell you (you know how I read your posts on the iphone and it's just impossible to comment) how much I love that hat on Sammi!

And now, reading Megan's comment, I realize I never have told you how much I love the school photos too!

Leah said...

Oh thank you for my Sammi dose. It makes life seem so happy and normal for me. Luckily, my Cora is helping me feel that way too today (as she finally seems to be herself again... whew!) so all seems better. I've not been very up on my blog reading so I am grateful for this little peek into one of my favorite school-girl's lives!

Sharon Edwards said...

What cute pictures! I have enjoyed looking at all of your pictures-- they are really good. I have been going through all of your old posts and reading them since I just found your blog last week. I have really enjoyed myself this evening just lying on the bed -- with Sarah sleeping next to me -- and reading your blog.