My little ham. So many faces, so much attitude. All beautiful, all the time. Btw, the second-to-last photo was in response to me asking her to show me her eyes, as she's so often purposefully not looking at the camera. All to spite me, I'm sure.
Silliness just screams joy. Mother Teresa once said, "Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls."
She has certainly caught mine.
Especially after that little display of feistiness...

*mwah* xoxox mine, too
You girls make my day. So needed a giggle from Sammi today! Thanks
LOVE!!! (maybe she could teach little G how to ham it up. I have to take thousands to get a good photo of her. Usually I give up. if you dont believe me look at todays post. ugh.)
These pictures put a huge smile on my face!!!
OH MY MY! captured and wrapped up!! Sammi is so fun...I would hang on every moment waiting to see that smile!
LOVE that first picture. Pure happiness
All pics are lovely. Mommy you shoot really nice.
oMG, she makes me want to come and play with her!! What a nut, love it!!!
These pictures are AMAZING!!!
Your girl is amazing.And beautiful to boot.Enough said.
What fun! Abby is currently in a run-from-the-camera phase again. Driving me crazy!
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