While we were at the beach, we bought a kite. Our very first kite. Steve had played with them when he was younger, but I had absolutely no experience with them. I'm not sure exactly what it is that children and adults alike find so fascinating about them, but other than the fact that they're not easy to fly, I think it's got to be the care free way they float so effortlessly through the air, catching currents, dipping and turning, their colorful tails blazing a trail behind them.
There was a little bit of a breeze on Saturday, so we took the kite out into the school yard. By the way, if I haven't said it before, I love living behind the school, for so, so, so many great reasons!!

The dress Sammi is wearing was a size 3 from the Gap that we've now gotten 2 years out of! I love that you can just put a pair of shorts under it and she can still wear it comfortably, especially since it's one of my favorites. :-)

The look on her face says it all. Pure anticipation.

Again, the look on her face says it all. Pure excitement.

And once again, here and in the photo below, the look on her face says it all. Pure joy.

She soon lost interest in the kite when there wasn't enough of a breeze to keep it airborne.

To further cap off the end of the season, I deflated the backyard kiddie pool after successfully dodging the creepy crawlies that had taken up residence underneath and in the rain puddles that filled the sagging crevices. One particularly HUGE black spider eyed me carefully from his evacuation point, eyed right back by me, cautious not to get too close or brush against him...ooh shivering as I type this...
And in a bittersweet end to the day, the annual Labor Day gathering on the grassy corner at the end of my street of the residents of our block, playing games, cooking out, enjoying each other's company. Bittersweet because three of those families are about to move, three families we have truly enjoyed getting to know over the last 2 1/2 years, three families we will definitely miss. New season, new neighbors, new day coming. Not bad, I don't think, just different.
I havent flown a Kite in Sooooo long! Great photos!!! Yes, Labor Day did mark the start of Fall our way too! Irene blew though with several rainy days leaving sunshine and cool and crisp air. I know it wont last long, its just enough to get me in the mindset. I need to go hunt up my pumpkin pie scented candle
Love her face as she watches the kite fly! Her excitement is contagious.
Pure bliss...
I love the kite!! what a great thing to do for the end of summer...it seems perfect...gotta love the creepy crawlies..Max would have had to bring them in the house I still find lady bugs and rollie pollies crawling along my floor! smiles
I understand about neighbors moving. Four families who were good friends of ours moved in the last four months. So sad...
Love those kite pictures!! Looked like Sammi had a blast with it :)
Emma loves kites :) I can't believe that you guys go back to school so much later then we do. We have hotter days longer. Oh well!!
Hope you get some great new neighbors! -erin
So awesome to live that close to nice playgrounds and such! :)
I have not flown a kite since I was 10 or so. I don't think that I get it, either, but am willing to give it a go when Abby asks to!
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