Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mommy's Little Helper

Everyone can use a helping hand from time to time.  Or even two.  And children, ever curious and ready to assert their independence at every moment, love to lend theirs to whatever project or cause mommy and daddy are working on.  And every mommy and daddy has learned how to manipulate this beautiful trait of young children for their own self-serving purposes.

We are not exceptions. 

Samantha loves to help, whether it's feeding the cats or preparing her own lunches, emptying the dishwasher or making the beds, folding laundry or dusting.  The list goes on.  When she first began wanting to help, a few years ago, it was really more of a hindrance.  I'd sigh, and let her do what she felt compelled to do, slightly frustrated at having to do it all over again at the end.  One more reason why I love this age she's at now! She can help and not hinder!  She is truly helpful, and my heart swells to see how excited she gets at being allowed the honor of usefulness, of learning new things, of the pride she so obviously feels in her accomplishments. 

"I help?" 

My little helper is always right there for me.  And when she's having a stubborn day, full of pouts and frowns, a day when "no" is the only response she'll elicit, I know that providing her an opportunity to "help" me with something perks her right up.  Her demeanor changes instantly - her eyes light up, the little crease between her eyebrows unfurrows, and a smile returns.  A chipper"Okay!" and all is right with the world yet again.

And mommy gets help with something else.

It's a win - win for all. 


JC said...

Aw, this was sweet. My girls always want to help too...And even though it actually seems like more work when they do help, I know it makes them feel proud :)

Stephanie said...

Aiden loves to "help". and it is good for our kids to learn these things early in life.

Crazy Beautiful Love said...

I remember so well those "sighs" when Emma wanted to help knowing it would take the task twice as long to get completed. :) But it teaches them such independence. Sammi is going to be such a well rounded kiddo!

CJ said...

And she is the cutest little helper ever! She's growing into a beautiful little girl! I LOVE her pigtails!

Rochelle said...

I love helpers and she is one of the cutest!

alicia said...

cute! Elias latest thing he wants to help is to wash dishes, even they are clean lol

my family said...

oh what a sweet little helper

Rob Monroe said...

Wonderful, isn't it? :)

Melissa said...

I know Claire is going to be my helper too. Whatever I am doing, she wants to be in the middle of. I'm looking forward to her ACTUALLY helping though!

Meriah said...

LOL! Sammi must meet Micah one day - he's right there too. It's fun how he utilizes Thomas the Tank Engine language in his requests to help "me be really useful boy". :)