Monday, March 8, 2010

Vote for Sammi!!

Please vote for Samantha in the NDSC’s More Alike than Different campaign poster contest here! She's #136. I heard about the contest just a few hours before the close date for submissions, and rushed to complete it while Samantha was napping. The 1-hour window of her nap time is when I rush to complete a lot of things, and, sadly, it rarely includes a much-needed nap for mommy. Which is evident in the title text on the poster. Pretty obvious I didn’t proofread. I managed to switch around the “You or Me” as “Me or You.” Trivial, most of the time. Not so much here, as the emphasis really should have been on “Me” at the end. It kind of changes the tone of the message. *sigh* But I still love it, and am really not too bothered about it. I’m just glad I managed to submit it in time, and hope my beautiful girl can spread her message now and long into the future as a self-advocate.

And with music in mind…Steve’s birthday was on Saturday. Yep, he’s old. Well, older than me, at least, and if I’m old, the he’s old too. When I got Samantha up that morning, I told her she needed to go into our room to sing Happy Birthday to daddy, which she was quite excited to do. He was already awake, but still lounging in bed (sheesh, how come I never get to do that?). Sammi walked up to the edge of the bed and sang her rendition of the birthday song, which went something like this… “Happy happay to you, Happy happay to you, Happy happay to Daddy, Happy happay to you…” I don’t think a birthday could possibly get better than that!


Anonymous said...

What number is your poster? I tried to vote for Sammi (as you know that I think she is the cutest ever! Next to my onwn, of course) but I didn't see it!

There are a lot of bloggers posters up for vote. They are all so cute! What a great campaigne! I wish I would have thought of this!

Can you put a video of Sammi signing Happy Brithday on the blog? I'd love to watch her talk.

Becca said...

Oh my goodness, thanks, Tracy!! I totally forgot to put the number in. I've now updated my post to include it!
Yes, I totally need to upload some video one of these days... Let me see what I can do! :-)

Jeanette said...

So sweet! I wasn't able to vote! Sorry! You take such great pictures... of course you have a wonderful subject!