Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tales From The Toddler Bed

Nights one, two and three were pretty uneventful. Samantha was so tired that she fell right asleep in her new bed, and by the 3rd night we didn't even gate her room. We picked her up off of the floor a few times during the night, where she had apparently rolled out of bed and continued her blissful sleep halfway across the room, completely oblivious to her new location. Night four was Sunday. We put her in bed and ate Chinese food and began to watch a movie. About 1/2 hour in, we became aware of the pitter patter of little feet as Samantha came trotting out of her room, HUGE smile on her face, saying "Hi!" Steve and I just looked at each other, trying to decide if we should be stern with her, but we both started laughing and hugging her, telling her she had to go back to bed. Take two...ten minutes after she assured us that she was going to go to sleep, the little pitter patter began again, accompanied by the same cheery greeting, only this time, it was apparent that she needed a diaper change. After that, Steve cuddled her on the couch until she fell asleep, then he put her back into bed. Naps over the weekend were a bit more challenging, as Samantha seemed to think that it was playtime in her room. Lastnight, I realized that her room had to be gated. The gate didn't stop her from standing in her doorway, calling, "Hi!", but we were able to be a bit more stern with her. Tonight she only came to the door twice; the first time, I put her back in bed, and the second time, she closed her door, and I left it like that for a few minutes. When I looked in on her, she had gotten back into bed, and was sucking on her blanket (self-soothing at sleep time). I haven't heard a peep from her since, and have checked in on her to find her in the same peaceful position.

Now, I know this might read like watching paint dry for some of you, but I also know there are several of you who are considering bed transition for your toddlers in the near future, and have asked me how it's been going, so there you have it!

Aside from the cuteness of her little rebellious streak at bedtime, Samantha has been throwing some pretty major tantrums with me. Not with Steve, however. Just me. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I am with her primarily during the times that she is most tired (first thing in the morning when I've had to wake her up for school and last thing at night, when she's had just about enough). It totally makes me feel like a bad guy, but I just hope that it's a temporary phase for her. I've managed to stop her a few times from sinking her teeth into my arm, but haven't been able to avoid getting wacked by flailing arms. Time outs do kind of work for the most part, but aren't 100% effective. I just wish she would tell me what she wants instead of acting out in frustration. Welcome to the terrible twos.


Michelle said...

Sammi, you are too cute. Happy to travel both journeys with you - the bed transition and tantrums! Sounds like she is getting the hang of it pretty well. We are only one night two and I'm pretty sure Matty is in our bed right now with Brian..LOL! So I'm getting a little nervous about the kiddos hitting three! Something tells me it will be an eventful year for us.

Carey said...

What a big girl! Doesn't sound too bad, I'm pretty impressed. We still faithfully use a gate in Chelsea's doorway. I'm amazed at how well she's doing in her bed, it's crazy!!! Our girls are so smart!

Carol N. said...

Gotta love the pitter patter and the cuter than ever "HI" you get at bedtime. It's like they know you're all relaxed and your defenses are down.

Linda said...

Awww, good for Sammi! She looks so cute in her big girl bed. Thanks for sharing this with us-sounds like she's settling into the new routine. As for the tantrums and near-biting events, we're right there with you. Lila bit me so hard at physical therapy last week that she drew blood. I didn't see it coming until it was too late.

Beth said...

What a big girl in the bed! She sounds just like every other kid I know who transitions to a bed!

Sorry about the frustrations and the flailings. I think kids always save the worst for the mommy. Hang in there--you'll get the most lovin' too!

Renee said...

She is so cute in her big bed!

Lydia would love a toddler bed but I don't think she will easily stay in it. Amazingly it was a never a problem with Wesley, but I think things will be different with her.

Amy said...

Go Sammi! I remember moving Milan to a toddler bed. It took awhile for her but finally she adjusted. Looks like she is doing great. She is such a doll. We love you guys and are sad we won't be neighbors much longer. :( Glad you won't be too far away.

Jeanette said...

We did this with my son. Eventually the novelty of the toddler bed wore off. Even now at 5 we go through times where he gets up after bedtime. Samantha is so adorable! You take such amazing pictures... but then again you have a beautiful subject. I can't wait to meet her!

Monica said...

Sounds like she is doing great!!! Adam still comes into our room every night! And he is 10! ugh~