Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Little Girls in Tutus Make the Best Baseball Players

Samantha is definitely not one for group participation.  So when the Vice Principal of her school invited her to join her Challenger Baseball team, located in another town about 45 minutes away, we were sceptical.  Not only would we be travelling a distance when there were other, more local Challenger leagues, but we were running the risk of Samantha's magical ability to completely. shut. down. when faced with an activity that involves doing something organized as part of a group. 

Social butterfly, you know, the one that can work a room with her eyes closed, instantly becomes pouty, spaghetti-armed, recluse.  I just don't get it. 

But we love and trust her Vice Principal, so we thought, whattheheck, let's give it a go.  Maybe she can learn to love group activity.  I mean, she's been doing better and better in groups at school, so why not seize the opportunity?!

I know people will say, well, if you talk to her about it in advance/let her practice/some-other-well-meaning-advice-we've-all-heard-before, will she be better with it?  Eh, maybe, but not necessarily. 

But with her first league game coming up on Sunday, practice we did.   

Beautiful day + beautiful girl + child who actually wanted to wear a tutu (she rarely wants to put one on) = photo op.  Of course!  And, like any enthusiastic and delusional mommy, I was sure the presence of the tutu would help my blog her game.

On Saturday I dusted wiped mud off the t-ball set we got her for her birthday last year and had promptly deposited and forgotten about on the basement patio, and set it up in the side yard, where there's plenty of space.

And she loved it.  We were out there for an hour or so, hitting the ball over and over, doling out high fives like they were the jackpot from a slot machine. 

(By the way, enjoy these pics of mini-Rapunzel's loooong braids while you can...we're getting them chopped on Saturday!  Stay tuned...)

I think the kid's got pretty good form - heeeeey, maybe there's a future for her in this...

Got it!  (Next step:  getting her to use the top of the bat to hit the ball)

Ohhhh, I missed!!  (actually, I have no idea what this face was for, but I like it!)

And this face?  Perfection.


Rochelle said...

Way to go Sammi. So thrilled to hear you are donating to locks of love! Awesome!

Cathy said...

Seriously awesome form, sweet girl. What a beauty!

Rob Monroe said...

Love that funny-faced picture - just speaks to me! Hooray for tutus and baseball!

JC said...

Great pictures...And such a fabulous baseball playing outfit!!

krlr said...

Adorable, as usual!

[The braids? What? Nooooooo...
None of my business, of course, but I'm going to miss them!]

Becca said...

I guess I should clarify - she'll still be able to have braids, but her hair just won't be *quite* as long anymore. It's the "Rapunzel" part that's changing. :-)

Riding the Crazy Train: Diary of a Delirious Mom said...

Love it! Good luck at the game Sunday!

As far as "practicing" goes, I know what you mean. Sometimes the prep work pays off when I my angels are in a group setting, and sometimes... you wish you'd just stayed home. You never know til you get there though.

Unknown said...

LoVE this! I love the determination hitting the cute! look beautiful there! smiles

Cindy said...

We'll be thinking of you this weekend. Hope the game goes well! We'll pray that 'workin the room' Sammi shows up! :)

Anna said...

Becca, Ive been thinking of getting a T ball set. So excited for Sammi! I know she will be just fine. No worries mom!!! You mention her hair, too funny because I noticed in one of your recent posts how long her braids are. I thought to myself, "I wonder how long her hair is when its not braided." Because I KNOW how long ours is before and after!!!

Education: Exploring Online Learning said...

OK, the tutu totally makes this.

lovemy3 said...

Way to go the tutu!

Lacey said...

Hey, girls play baseball in skirts! I think she is ready to come play with Carter!

Karrie said...

Baseball and Tutu's......nothing better!!!!

Great pictures of Miss Pretty Girl, as usual!! :)

Kacey Bode said...

Adorable!!!! Tutu's and t-ball are a perfect combo! Can't wait to see Sammi's haircut! I chopped off Ella's hair today and actually love it!

Mary said...

Love that little lady! Just try to keep us away from her game, however, we better play it real cool so as not to overwhelm her!!Haircut???