Friday, April 13, 2012

Making Pretty Things

Pre-haircut photos (not like you can tell...), working on some decorations for her birthday party next month. 

Does anyone else remember doing crafts like this when you were in Kindergarten?  I'd completely forgotten about the old tissue paper-glue-pencil eraser craft until I was in Michael's a few weeks ago and saw bags of little tissue paper squares for just such a project.  I didn't buy any then, and when I had the brilliant idea to do something like that for Sammi's birthday decorations, I was unable to find them at our local AC Moore.  However, it's beyond easy to cut sheets of crinkly tissue paper into little squares, so that's what I did.  

She got the hang of it pretty quickly.

This is one of the ones I was working on.  The color theme of the party is turquoise, orange and dark pink.  I'm going to make a bunch of these flowers, with different designs and media, and string them all together to make a garland.  Even though they won't look perfect, and some may be downright ugly, strung all together they'll look pretty cool.


krlr said...

I love this stuff. I don't DO it (!), but consider the kindy teachers that come up with it geniuses and the final creations to be little bits of perfection. Enjoy!

Extranjera said...

Turquoise, orange, AND hot pink. A girl after my own heart... (although I prefer these as hair colors)

Lisa said...

that is going to be adorable!

wendy said...

What a neat idea! I never did those, will have to give it a try with Claire.

Anna said...

FUN! Its gonna be great!!!!

lovemy3 said...

Love the colors!!! I don't think we ever did this growing up.

Riding the Crazy Train: Diary of a Delirious Mom said...

I love the idea of making your own party decorations! With twins, we never can seem to agree on one unifying theme for a b-day party. Maybe if my girls each make their own decor, we won't have to agree on a theme!

I wonder how princesses and bugs will look together?

Unknown said...

She is CUTE!